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Destroyed Life
Tawella - Kurdo , April 1993

Some survivors of Iraqi regime's genocide against the entire Kurdish population of Tawella started
returning to their ancestral homeland after the Iran-Iraq war and Iraqi's army's defeat in the Gulf War.

You can only see about seven homes hastily have been rebuilt by returned survivors. This entire
hill and its surroundings used to be decorated with beautifully structured homes, lovely and
peaceful people living in them.

Misty View
Tawella - Kurdo - April 30, 2000

Ten years after the Gulf war that ended on February 1991, UN is still protecting Kurds in
the so-called Safe-Haven which is their homeland. There has not been much projects done
to help encourage people to rebuilt their destroyed homes. People themselves have rebuilt
their orchards, agricultural fields, and houses. Life goes on as longs as enemies do not interfere.
Spring Fog In Tawella
Tawella - Kurdo - April 30, 2000

Even though some survivors returned to their town and rebuilt whatever they could but roads
are still damaged and getting even worse in this mountainous area where connects both borders
of Iran-occupied Kurdistan and Iraq-occupied Kurdistan.

Tawella - Kurdo - April 30,2000

This beautiful picture of Tawella shows how their homes are built on the high steeps of this
mountainous town bordering with Iran. These homes on the south part of town mostly were
rebuilt by its people. UN and some international none-profit organizations have so far helped
built a school and a hospital. People hope more protection and support by UN and non-profit
organization will allow them to resettle and prosper forever.

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